Quant as a Service better outcomes.

Unhedged helps funds and wealth managers to built better portfolios, brokers to give their clients advanced insights. Better outcomes: happier clients!

Trusted by thousands Aussie investors


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Always on

Our algorithms are constantly scanning, analysing and optimising your portfolio.

Mitigate biases

Investing using AI means Unhedged is free from human emotion bias (which is notorious for sabotaging rational investment decisions)

Always on

Our algorithms are constantly scanning, analysing and optimising your portfolio.

Mitigate biases

Investing using AI means Unhedged is free from human emotion bias (which is notorious for sabotaging rational investment decisions)

You’re in Control

Choose from a preset combination of algorithms or mix and match them on your own.


Make a one-time investment and add more as you go. Withdraw whenever you need it. It’s totally up to you.

Unhedged algorithm allocation
Unhedged algorithm allocation

You’re in Control

Choose from a preset combination of algorithms or mix and match them on your own.


Make a one-time investment and add more as you go. Withdraw whenever you need it. It’s totally up to you.